Salem Al-Hasani
Senior lawyer and legal advisor - Omani
Bachelor of Laws from Beirut Arab University 2011
2016- Judge at the First Instance Court in Sur 2015
2017- Judge at the Court of First Instance in Muscat 2016
2019- Judge at the Court of First Instance in Seeb 2018
2021- Judge at the Court of First Instance in Muscat 2019
Participate in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against women 2020
Participated in a workshop entitled (Explanation of the provisions of the law
Omani trading companies) 2019
Participated in the national symposium “Mechanisms and Indicators of Identification”.
And dealing with victims of human trafficking and legal follow-up
With the judicial authorities” 2018
Participate in the training program “Dealing Protocols”.
For members of the judiciary” 2017
Experience of more than 12 years
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