Need assistance with sharia-compliant legal services in Oman, then approach the law practice of Dr. Ahmed Said Al Jhwari. As a specialized law firm in Oman, our legal experts have a strong background in the area of Sharia law. With a team of in-house solicitors who are well-versed in the specifics of sharia-compliant legal services.

What we can handle

  • Provide exceptional legal consulting services: Marriage, Sharia Wills, Sharia divorce, Maintenance ,children custody, among others.
  • Islamic tax planning & property law.
  • Provide exceptional legal consulting services Marriage – wills – divorce – Maintenance – children custody , marriage authorization , waiting period – distribution of inheritance – devolution and anything else relate to the family issues.
  • Plead and direct legitimacy in all courts levels primary : appellate upper court.

Choosing an experienced lawyer dealing with sharia-compliant legal services can be challenging. Schedule an in person consultation with the lawyer if you need to handle your legal issue.