The Law Office of Dr. Ahmed Said Al Jhwari provides comprehensive law assistance to all kind of judicial and out-judicial penal proceeding. In our law office in Oman, we focus on providing lawsuit service in civil, family, penal, penal-fiscal, business, administrative and tax litigation cases. As industry leaders, we are engaged in providing end – to – end solutions for penal law. Our team of lawyers holds in-depth expertise in special penal law.

Provide legal piece of advise and opinions in various branches of the civil law.

  • Plead and follow up the penal cases: criminal proceedings and issues in all courts with their different degrees: primary, appellate and upper.
  • Plead and follow up the proceedings consumer protection in courts with their different degrees: primary, appellate and upper.
  • Provide exceptional legal consulting services based on the advocates in specialized in Omani penal Code and all other types of laws either relevant or punitive.
  • Guarantee that clients are well represented legally throughout the entire justice process.
  • Plead and direct civil prosecution and dispute in all courts in different degrees: primary, appellate and upper.
  • Plead and follow up the penal cases.
  • Plead and follow up the proceedings Consumer Protection issues in all courts.
  • Provide exceptional legal consulting services by experienced advocates specialized in Omani Penal Code and all other types of laws.
  • Complaint drafting.

Areas of Expertise include:

  • Disciplinary law
  • Offence assistance
  • Offences and crimes
  • Preparation of proceedings
  • Traffic offences – driving license points

We can be considered as true partner for your legal problems. We ensure the expertise of the lawyers and attorneys in our network for getting a deal done right in penal law. We always maintain the confidentiality of the work entrusted to us. To discuss your needs with us, call us NOW!